Theme Options Panel

In seconds, access a large set of ready-made options and enjoy customization with new settings

Complete set of the most common settings.

Complete demo importing with one click.

Import and export all the panel settings.

Organize the settings by themes with tabs.

Right to Left layout and multilingual.

8+ headers, mega menu, 3+ footer types.

Add new settings and options in seconds.

All settings stored into a single array.

Ready options set

The theme options panel contains a complete set of the most common theme settings organized by areas. There are 120+ built-in options that cover all the requirements of multipurpose themes. Users can manage the settings in the following areas: main, layout, menu, footer, lists, Woocommerce, page titles, customizations, social and api, demo import.

Custom options

You can add new options almost instantly by populating a simple array, and all the operations of saving and reading the settings are automatically performed for you. The new settings can be fetched with the function hc_get_setting(ID), requiring only the ID of the new setting. Check the documentation for more details and to get the code required to add new options.

One-click demo importing

WPTF offers a one-click demo import system to create demos of your theme, which will be imported by your users. The imported demo will be like the original, and include pages, post types, menu and footer, theme options settings, images and media, revolution sliders, and home page. You can add as many demos as you can imagine and create.

Colors and fonts

The theme options panel allows users to set up a maximum of four website colors and up to two fonts. Access to 750+ Google Fonts guarantees the perfect font(s) every time. For optimal performance, only the fonts of selected weights are loaded for you. The website's colors can be applied to the theme's CSS by simply pasting the CSS you want into a dedicated PHP variable. Check out the documentation for all the details.