Extended license


We want thank you for join our project! Our goal is to improve the quality of the Themeforest themes and templates by give you all the tools required for a professional work, and let you dedicate all your time exclusively on contents creation and design details. With this framework you will be extremely faster to develop a template or a WordPress theme.

How extended license work ?

1. Buy the extended license
Buy the license from the Codecanyon page or click here. If you previously bought the standard license you can ask a refund and we will give you back the full amount of $36 after the extended license purchase confirmation.
2. Build your template or theme
Build your template or WordPress theme and when you're done contact us at support@schiocco.com to get the our written permission to publish your work on Themeforest. Themeforest team will ask you this confirmation.
3. Upload your item
After you received our written permission you can publish your template or theme on Themeforest. You must wait some week, you can check the updated review times at http://quality.market.envato.com/themeforest.
Happy sales !

Extended license for HTML templates

The extended license of WPTF is only for the WordPress version. If you want publish on Themeforest also the HTML template you must buy also the Framework Y Extended License.
The HTML Extended license cost is $39, you can buy it by click the the button below.

Getting started - WordPress Theme

First of all we recommend you to develop both 2 versions, HTML and WordPress, and starting from the HTML version. Why this? For two important reasons, first you not need to create the WordPress version if you already have the HTML template due you need only to insert the skin.css into the WordPress theme and insert the contents, that are the same of the HTML template. So after you completed the HTML version you simple need to copy every page with Hybrid Composer. Second, if you are a good developer, in combination with the awesome documentation, you will be faster to create the design and the contents with the HTML version.

  • Create your WordPress installation and install the theme Starting theme.
  • Customize the theme by follow the instructions of the Advanced API documentation, custom theme area.
  • When your work is completed contact us at support@pixor.it to get the authorization for the publication on Themeforest.

Extra licenses - Icons Minds

WPTF include Font Awesome and Icons Mind Icons packs. You can use Font Awesome in both standard license and extended license projects. You can use Icons Mind only with standard license projects, if you want use Icons Mind also on extended license projects you must buy the license for the icons pack. You can buy it from https://iconsmind.com/.

Getting started - HTML Template

The HTML version is fully included into the WordPress version.

  • Buy the extended license for the HTML version from www.framework-y.com/buy-now.html
  • Use the Starting template as start point of your project, you will found it into the downloaded package.
  • When your work is completed contact us at support@pixor.it to get the authorization for the publication on Themeforest.